welcome to inline thoughts

life may seem an artwork of mismatched strokes…
but by the end, what a painting you’ll unveil…

My musings…

Dive into the clouds of thought below… or don’t.

A path forwards…

Written: Jan 2024, Last Updated: Feb 2024

I have felt a desire to put words down on paper for a while but the process of deciding how those words go has been moderately troubling. Maybe it is immaturity, or a drive for heaps of material wealth, but either way I was unsuccessful, it was boring, and a majority of the words had no use or benefit for anyone. Learning from this idea after too long, I plan to start from the beginning putting down words I want, and maybe unintentionally, and eventually these will actually be of use somewhere or to someone, but if not they will be useful to me.

Creative writing: The idea of creating worlds is both scary and wonderful to me in equal parts. I fear that I cannot do them justice, that I will ruin what seems such a good idea in my head, but equally I have an urge to give them physicality, to bring them into being, so that I can see them with more clarity and maybe others can enjoy them too. In that spirit I will start small, so as not to avoid tarnishing the bigger ideas, and I will do my best to write them into existence. Maybe these smaller ideas will offer me the necessary step-up to my attempt to create something bigger, or maybe I will forever be stuck in a hole of ideas too big for myself.

Real thoughts: As much as I have interest in fictional worlds, I have a great interest in the world we live in, and the ever-moving, changing life that exists within… the good, the bad, the philosophical, the political, but mainly the humanity that somehow keeps making impossible feats possible. In that respect, I will be imparting my indecisiveness and ever-changing opinions onto the page about topics I feel have been recently relevant to me.

Logical and informational: It’s hard to categorise where the divide between fiction, opinion and fact lies, but this section will be a placeholder for those posts that don’t fit in either of the above categories. In some sense fact permeates both fiction and opinion, and in others fact is an ethereal substance that sits just beyond our grasp. Each time we attempt to determine its shape, we realise the infinite quirks that we have missed. Here I will step in and attempt to be a honest arbiter of what I think is ‘true fact’ but whether this is so…

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